My foodie
Friday is sadly lacking in a picture, but I haven't figured out time travel back to when I was a new wife, 30+ years ago.
Being a brand new wife at the time and wanting to impress my husband I decided to make his favorite cake, pineapple
upside down cake. It all went wrong when I got distracted and the cake caught fire in the oven. I promptly went and got the fire extinguisher and sprayed it until it was no longer flaming. I managed to get the "torch in a pan" outside and opened all the windows to air it out.
Here is where the warning comes: DO NOT discharge a fire extinguisher in the house unless you are sure the entire building is going to burn to the ground! It snowed F.E. chemicals for days!!! Everything was coated and had to be cleaned, and I mean every single thing in the apartment.
I have since been more diligent in keeping an eye on what I'm making.
I had an experience to share about cleaning up those "Train Wrecks":
Several months ago I was invited by Elder A. to join them for their district meeting. Before the meeting began, Elder A. was asking me a question. He wanted to know how many times he
should run the self cleaning oven, to get the soot at the bottom to leave. (I had done an
apartment cleaning training the month before,
but forgot to go into detail on that).
I explained that it doesn't just go away but you just take a paper towel and wipe up the soot at the end of each cleaning
Then he started the meeting and the opening song he had chosen was "If You Could Hie to
Kolob". We got to the verse about "there is no end to matter..." and I just cracked up. I explained that by cleaning the oven he was a witness to a "correct doctrine", there is no end to matter, you can change it but you can't create it or make it cease to exist.
Have a Lovely Day~