Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Changing Matter

Evidently Matter has changed (see:If You Could Hie To Kolob) and my brain has turned into a colander! Stuff goes in, and leaks right out the holes in the bottom.
I was visiting some blogs a while back and there was one with a piece of lace draped beautifully over a picture in a stairwell. Now it took so long for me to finally get the stuff together and take a picture and post it, that I can't remember how to get back to her again and leave a follow up comment. ahhhhh!
But here is my picture below from 'The Inn At Temple Square'. I bought this picture when they sold all of the furnishings from the inn before they tore it down. We had stayed there several times when Chrissy worked there and I loved this piece, what I love about it is that the children are all cheerfully sharing, and EVERYONE is happy. Hope you enjoy it.
Have a Lovely Day~


  1. I love that! It looks really good.

  2. It is a lovely picture to remember a beautiful place. Truly a treasure. It all looks so different.:-)
    Enjoy your week end.
