Monday, March 30, 2009

"You'll Shoot Your Eye Out!!!"

For the past several years my daughters and I have had a "Girls Day". It started out with scrapbooking and other crafts the 5 of us liked. With the current state of society we decided that something more meaningful was needed and we wanted it in place as their daughters grew up, so it was modeled after missionary "sisters conference". With each person presenting some spiritual or practical message along with the fun. Topics are pre-assigned for the sake of balance, and may be a doctrinal topic, a preparedness topic or some other topic that they felt they especially needed. Girls day always includes food and some chic flick (usually Jane Austin). We greatly appreciate the differing gifts each of us are given and willing to share with the others.

Well, the husbands usually go do something together as well. This time they declared it "guys day" and planned their own activity. Brandon headed it because of his expertise as a mechanical engineer student. We question whether this could be a "meaningful" activity, and think they could use some work in this area still. So if you go to this link:
you'll be able to judge for yourself. Let me know what you think!?!LOL.
Have a Lovely (and safe) Day~
P.S. It is hard to believe that their ages are 28, 28, 27, 24!

1 comment:

  1. Still laughing and wondering, how can I join your family? The frightening part is that we do the same kind of things. Life is fun! Loved your link and thanks for sharing. Hope you scrapbooked it all.
